Thursday, February 18, 2010

well hello, there!

It's about time that I'm putting this lil blog out there to all of you!
Because frankly, I'm not going to post any status stuff on Facebook for a while.
Well, kind of. Time for a good dose of self control!

So, here's
where and why this blog started ...
and I'm leaving it open to where it may go.

Realistically, I'm going to write about what
and feeling

and learning
and creating...
...and probably a whole slew of other things other than that!

basically, this means that I'm choosing to DO things instead of just sit around. I'm choosing to be feisty instead of lethargic and ineffective.

There ya be. I've tried doing this blog thing several, several times in the past.
I've kept it up since the new year, so I think it might actually work.
We'll see!

Also, if anyone has a great and (hopefully) little-known site that has creative, original layouts, let me know.
I've looked at all the ones that pop up first on a google search, such as cutest blog on the block, shabby blogs, hot biggety blog, and some others.
Two column, please. I like striking colors, but it doesn't have to be ALL color.

Thanks. :)

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