Tuesday, April 23, 2013

TTC T: National Infertility Awareness Week

It is rough being infertile.

Second only to the pain caused to both me and my husband when we are sans baby is the feeling of being totally and utterly alone.

"Oh, you're not alone."

Of course I know we're not actually alone, but try to comfortably explain your feelings to a room of beaming new moms.  That's what alone feels like, to be sure, regardless of your or anyone else's intentions.

Try explaining your feelings if you're in a room of beaming new and 2nd-or-more time moms, especially if you've already had one baby, and boy oh boy, prepare for looks of total confusion!

But check this out, it's National Infertility Awareness Week.

Call me a hermit when it comes to publicly talking about this, but I had no clue that
this whole kind of week existed.

So, if you're out there, and I do mean this to
the few people who stumble upon this blog by habit,
let me know if what you think about this week, if you know anything about it at all!

And no - that is not some idle invitation.  :)  Say something if you want! 

1 comment:

  1. Interesting. I did not know this existed. I wonder if there is anyone (groups?) in the church that inform/care for those in these circumstances. Definitely not something I hear much about, though it could be helpful!


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