Wednesday, June 30, 2010

danke schoen, to you and my college cooking cookbook

Thanks to anyone who read my little ode to insane amounts of paperwork the other night!

It was a marathon-sprint trying to get that stuff done.  My post that night helped me re-focus.

That's what writing did for me back in the day,
 especially when it came to other writing I didn't want to do.

I'm a naturally easily distractible person.
I've had a phone conversation, g-chat conversation, game time, and google reader catch-up time -
all since starting this post.

:::[hold on - gotta play this game.  no, i'm serious.]:::

so tonight I'm made a roast chicken.

Roast chicken doesn't really equal summer, but
it's not scorching outside,
I had a bird in my fridge waiting to be cooked,
and it was on sale at Hy-Vee.

So like anyone who is a fairly new wife with an aversion to cooking until she actually starts would know,
it's good to have some help in the how-to and inspiration department.

So one day back in '07, John and I were perusing Borders in Ames and I found this little number:

It's fantastic.  Lots of great ideas and really simple, affordable recipes that make for great food.
I made a roasted chicken from it tonight.  Well, that, and a lemon basil roast chicken i found online, and the instructions for a sage-rubbed chicken on the wrapper.  Sort of a combination.

I'll let you know how that baby turned out soon! :)

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