Thursday, October 13, 2011


So hello to all you out there who have patiently waited for another post.

It's been tough to write much of anything, mostly because I
a. am stilll grieving, but in weird, unexpected ways (lathargy???)
b. don't have a particularly obvious aspect of my life that stands out enough to mention
c. well, "b." isn't 100% true, but there aren't a ton of great things to write about, except that

Today the hubs and I are going on a little vacation!

We're checking out House on the Rock in SW Wisconsin

            :::side note: I almost wrote "Swisconsin," and it made me think of Switzerland.  Do go to Switzerland if you ever, even remotely get the chance!  Also, do go to Zürich if you get the chance.:::

Anyway, we'll just be staying the night tonight, going on the tour of the house tomorrow, and
then we'll head up to MN for the rest of the weekend. 

I may post some pictures on here if I'm allowed/remember to take them
                                     (I'm awful at remembering to take pictures these days).

Hopefully soon I'll also post about John's commissioning -
          he's officially (and finally!!!!) a 2nd Lieutenant in the US Army! 

That's all for me for now.  I hope the rest of you have restful, encouraging weekends this week!